March 26, 2025

Why is the PTR record so important?

PTR record is not one of the most popular DNS record types, but it is absolutely important. Why? We will explore this and its main purpose in this article. So, let’s start.

PTR record: Meaning

The reverse equivalent of an A record is known as a PTR record. The PTR record maps an IP address to a hostname, whereas the A record translates a domain name to an IP address. As a result, the Pointer record assures that your IP address connects to your host in an official manner.

If you’re utilizing both internal and external mail servers, you’ll need to set up the Pointer record. This record improves the reliability of sending servers by allowing the receiving end to verify your IP address’s hostname. It’s a great strategy to defend yourself from all kinds of spammers.

What does its structure look like?

The Pointer record has a straightforward and easy-to-understand structure. Here’s an example of how it may look:

  • TYPE: PTR record — This indicates the type of DNS record.
  • Host: – This entry requires the IP address of the host. It’s possible to have an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • POINTS TO: – This field can be used to display the domain name.
  • TTL: 1h – This is where you set the TTL (time-to-live) value.

Why is the PTR record critical?

The PTR record is an important part of the Reverse DNS system (rDNS). It enables the formation of trust and validation for IP addresses associated with a domain name (IPv4 or IPv6). In addition, it is also essential for the proper operation of outgoing mail servers. The creation and expansion of a Pointer record are required in this case since it contains the confirmation methods.

If the receiver is unable to discover the Pointer record, your message will be forwarded to the spam folder. Similarly, if you make a mistake in your PTR record-setting, the same thing will happen. It isn’t correctly paired with an A or AAAA record, for example. So proceed with caution and patience to ensure that everything is in order.

In addition, you should create a Pointer record in a Reverse DNS zone if you want to send your emails without issues (so they don’t wind up in spam folders) and have your recipients receive and read them.


Let’s review. The PTR record, also known as a pointer record, is one of the most important types of DNS records. In addition, Pointer records are elements that provide trust and validate IP addresses as part of the Reverse DNS. So, it’s worth giving it a chance.

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